It's update time :)
So a lot has happened since the last update. We have finished ALL of our home study paperwork and let me tell you, if you are not familiar with the paperwork that goes into adopting, that is no small feat. I am now a professional paperwork filler outer. Ok so that is completely a made up thing and I'm pretty sure I broke at least a half dozen grammar rules but oh well.
Where was I...Oh yea we completed all of the paperwork and have now completed our first home visit. I can NOT even begin to tell you how excited we are to be moving through this process. We have three more visits then it's on to immigration approval :)
We could seriously be matched in a few more months if not sooner. EEEEKKK!!! I am beyond ready to put a face with my prayers. It is so hard to explain to people, who haven't been there, just how much we already love this little girl. I mean, we find ourselves telling people we have four children instead of the obvious three. She already holds a place in our hearts and at our table (our daughter has already designated a spot just for Lorelei). We have already made arrangements for where she will sleep when she comes home. HOME...that is such an amazing word. That word holds so much power for someone who has never had one. I am completely humbled that we have been chosen to give this precious little girl a HOME, a place where she belongs and where she will be loved unconditionally.
This process has been hard. It has had it's ups and downs but I can assure you I would do it all over again in an instant.
My pregnancies with my three biological children were very hard. I was hospitalized numerous times and spent most of them on bed rest, but even though they were extremely hard I would never not go through it again. I was blessed with three beautiful children at the end of it all. So I am paper pregnant. Has this "pregnancy" been hard and at times daunting?...yes but I am holding out for my blessing in the end.
God did not promise us this would be easy. He never said we wouldn't face opposition or feel at times that we were in way over our heads but what He did promise was that we would NEVER AT ANY TIME be doing this alone. He would always be with us. Through all of the difficulties we have been through, He has ALWAYS been there. He is kind and loving. He has kept us going when we found ourselves asking if we were really called to this. He has been quick to assure us that YES we most definitely have been called to this.
I have to tell you it is such an amazing feeling knowing that the Lord of all creation listens when I pray. He listens...and I am completely humbled by that.
So be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you or abandon you. Deuteronomy 31:6
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