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Monday, January 5, 2015
Wait on the Lord
Let's be honest...adoption is all about waiting. We hurry to fill out mounds of paperwork and to gather what seems like endless documents only to have to wait. Every adoption, like every pregnancy, is different. Our adoption has been completely different than other's adoptions in some ways but completely the same in other ways. One common denominator has been the wait. Some, like ourselves, are waiting on funding, while others are waiting on a match. Some waits are longer than others but they are all hard. I am NOT a patient person and really who is now a days with all of the instant gratification. We rarely have to wait on anything now. We literally have the world at our fingertips.
One thing I am learning through the wait is that God has this all worked out. He has arranged every roadblock. He has his hand in this and no matter how much I want it to go faster, it will all come together in His timing. When I find myself getting frustrated I only need to turn to His word to know that He is in control. There are many times in scripture where believers were instructed to wait on the Lord. He, after all, sees the WHOLE picture. He knows whats best and He knows when everything needs to get done for the pieces to come together perfectly.
My prayer is and has been for the Lord to use the wait to teach me what He wants me to know now. I have witnessed the beauty that comes from waiting on Him to direct our paths. I have seen just how He can use the wait to transform hearts and to draw people closer to Him. I am praying for all the families who are waiting in the trenches with us. It's hard and dirty down here but we will soon see the beauty that comes from all of this.
Psalm 130:5: “I wait for the LORD, my soul does wait, And in His word do I hope."
Galatians 6:9 And let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we shall reap if we do not grow weary.
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